Female Hair Transplant

Step by step procedure Female Hair Transplant

The complete process of

Female hair transplant in Chennai

Hair loss is a difficult phase for men, and we already have enough resources for them. However, hair loss in women is often left undiscussed. Good hairs are a woman’s identity; losing them could lead to anxiety, lost confidence, social phobia, etc.

Luckily, most women can get their hair transplanted at a lesser cost compared to men. Females possess certain benefits over men, and that’s why women hair restoration is possible.

At Unique hair gro hair transplant clinic, our experts have already provided the best female hair transplant in Chennai. Below, we have mentioned the most important details about female hair transplants. Please read through or directly connect with us for help.

Who is an ideal person for a transplant?

Many men can benefit from hairs from other body parts like a beard, body hair, etc. It subsequently increases their donor area; however, it’s impossible for most women.

This means women must have enough hair in the donor area, the back of their head. Usually, women don’t suffer baldness there, and most of you are eligible for hair transplants. Other eligible types include

  1. Female version of male hair loss – As mentioned, the hair on the back side usually remains intact, and most women face hair loss from the front, top and crown.
  2. Improper care – Hair loss caused due to improper care of hair, like using harsh shampoos, tight ponytails, heat dryers, sprays and other chemical hair products.
  3. Scarring Alopecia – If scarring of your hair has happened due to any trauma, a hair transplant will help restore it.

4. Pulling of hair – Trichotillomania is a medical condition where patients cannot resist the urge to pull out their hair. We can treat those damages as well.
5. No chronic disease – If you are suffering from any chronic disease like cancer where the treatment itself promotes hair loss. In such cases, there is no point in a hair transplant. So, if you are not suffering from any chronic disease and have enough hair in the donor area, you’re an eligible candidate.

The procedure of hair transplant for women

 The procedure for transplanting hairs is similar for both men and women.

  • The doctor draws a design in the area where he needs to transplant the hair.
  • Applies local anaesthesia so that you don’t feel pain. They numb that particular area and not the entire body.
  • In the next step, they harvest follicles from the donor area based on the process mentioned below.
  • The last step is to transplant hairs in the affected area.

Within 3 to 4 weeks, the transplanted hairs will fall out, and you will notice new hair growth approximately after 4 to 8 months. Advanced transplanting procedures have made things much more accessible and pain-free.

FUE hair treatment

In most cases, hair transplant surgery can be done within one single session over the course of two days. If the patient is a poor donor, it may take two to three sessions for complete transplantation.

Famous methods for Female hair loss treatment

Based on your hair loss type, surgeons will suggest any of these two methods: FUE or FUT.

Follicle Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is an advanced hair transplanting process where surgeons use a microscope and a hand-held device to take individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplant them one by one in the affected area.

Some advanced clinics use robots to conduct the process and achieve perfection. However, in Chennai, it’s done mainly by hand. You can surely trust our experienced surgeons with the process.

  • It’s considered the most convenient for female hair loss treatment.
  • Each session lasts 3 to 5 hours on average. Rarely it continues up to 10 to 12 hours if you want the entire job done in a single sitting.
  • It is pain-free and safe, and you can join the work from the following day onwards.

However, the surgeon must be experienced enough to conduct the process with the utmost care, or you won’t get the best results.

Follicle unit transplant (FUT)

FUT is the old hair transplanting method where surgeons take strips of hair follicles of around 0.5cm to 1cm from the donor area, usually from the back of your head. Then they remove individual strands from the strip and re-insert them into your scalp.

This method is generally faster than FUE surgery, and most people stay awake during the process with local anaesthesia that numbs their scalp.

  • A good option if you need many follicles to be transplanted.
  • The operation time is much shorter and cheaper than FUE.
  • However, it leaves you with hair patches that take a few weeks to look normal. Until then you need to cover yours during work.

FUT leave a scar at the point of hair extraction, which looks ugly if you keep short hair. However, that’s usually not the case in women. So, FUT is also a worthy option, especially if you’re on a budget.

Noticeable benefits of Female Hair Transplant

Here are some guaranteed benefits that all individual hair growth hair transplant clinic patients experience after getting the best female hair transplant in Chennai.

  1. It increases the density of your hair which improves appearance.
  2. You’ll receive a permanent solution. Better than using wigs or other materials.
  3. Little to no complications and minimal side effects.

4. Zero maintenance. Your new hair will be like natural hair that requires usual care—no medication or harmful treatment afterwards.
5. It’s cost-efficient because we provide the hair transplanting service at the cheapest rates in Chennai.

Female hair transplant cost

Usually, we charge ₹25 per graft and an average transplant costs anywhere between ₹50,000 to ₹75,000. It can be more or less, depending upon your conditions.

However, during the offer period, we are charging ₹10 per graft, considerably decreasing the treatment cost. Please connect with our team to learn more details and conditions about the offer.

Frequently Asked

More questions

Hair transplant surgery will take 2 days and 4 to 6 hours per day with regular meal intervals like breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There are hardly any side effects, but you might face problems like swelling, itching, numbness and falling of transplanted hairs. However, all these symptoms usually vanish in one or two weeks.

If the donor follicles enable healthy growing, the transplanted hairs can last for a lifetime. The transplanted hair will fall within a few weeks, but the ones that grow after stay for long.

Usually, we charge ₹25 per graft and an average transplant costs anywhere between ₹50,000 to ₹75,000. It can be more or less, depending upon your conditions.

No, it’s not at all painful. During the process, surgeons will numb the part using local anaesthesia and help you with pain killers so that you won’t feel any pain afterwards.

Losing hair is usual for both men and women. It happens due to heredity or medical conditions, but we can easily evade most types of baldness with a good hair transplant.

Unique hair grow hair transplant clinic has excellent success rates; we take good care of our patients with proper communication and follow-ups. You are safe with us!

Also, connecting with us or checking prices doesn’t cost a penny. Please don’t hesitate to call us; we will help you with the correct information.

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